Tuesday, May 4, 2010


So knowledge is a good thing I suppose. A flow of information that gives a more open outlook to the world for the mind. The thing is why are people gonna be criticized badly for such information? Are we just comparing who's the stronger one there?
That's unfair and no, don't give me bullshit saying life's unfair. So what if you are better than me at academics? So what if you are better than me at certain subjects like Maths and Chemistry? Now I know why your sister just can't seem to understand and learn from you. Probably she ain't stupid. No one's stupid. Yeah, you did try your best since she's your sister. But your arrogant attitude of flaunting knowledge is really getting on my nerves. I mean, the only reason why I'm asking you is because you are the one of the few that I can rely on information. It's really getting into me. You don't seem to be sensitive to others'. You don't seem to understand and respect how people feel. Well, maybe it's your nature. But still, does that grant you the right that I may be weaker than at Chemistry? Okay, reprimanding your sister is one thing. Chiding your friend is the other. Friend? I highly doubt so the way things are unfolding. Can't you slowly teach me like the others? Can't there be some sort of understanding border that I can have? There's the feeling of loneliness there whenever I see you chatting away with Melvin. I know finally how it feels to be like my other friend. It's a selfish feeling. A very sad thing which was clearly instigated by you people. At times, whenever I think about it, I feel sorry for Jinwei. He doesn't deserve it. He's a nice guy and all. He empathizes with people. I try to at times. But to no avail. You claim that you care for your friends. But since when do you that? Actions speak louder than words. Your action doesn't reflect the bullshit you claim. Sometimes, a person who's mentally unstable can see the real truth behind the light. It takes a trip behind the scenes who really are. So what if you're more knowledgeable in terms of the Sciences and Mathematics? Yeah, you claimed ''I hope tomorrow there wouldn't be acidic oxides.'' Okay well, I can thank you for that. But do you mean it? Every word you say don't seem to say how you claim. Same goes, you don't wanna hear my own knowledge on technology, I respect that. But I understand what you've to tell me at times are useful. I thank you sincerely for that. But sometimes your cavalier attitude really turns me off. I feel like it's a total new person. Call me over-reacting. But it happened since the very first outing we had. Why do you think I avoid you at times? You may not notice since you're always chatting gaily with Melvin. Sometimes, when Melvin tells me,''hey, maybe I'll come if Melvin comes haha. There would be a higher chance.'' Ya know how I felt? I wanted to say no. Maybe, I'm too kind. I should had say no straight in his face. I really didn't want you along at times because of what I just mentioned. Your presence is overbearing at times. Maybe you would be my own ex-Senior or Senior if you still recognize me as your Junior. I don't know about how Melvin feels about this. I don't really think we should think about it either. Too melodramatic? Yeah maybe. But who cares already? I'll end it here. Sorry if I offended you Melvins'. But I hope the next time would be much better.

''Your current results doesn't really matter. What matters is that you have ambition. '' - Akio Morita, Sony Co-Founder

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