Saturday, May 15, 2010

A Definite Product Identity

''Now there's a definite product identity. That's what I call Sony Design.'' - Yasuo Kuroki, Father of Sony Design

Today's products are not of the ones of yesterday's technology. Today's products form the total fusion of the mind and soul of the designer. Each product has a definite product identity that sets it apart from it's counterparts. Electronics have advanced to the stage where it becomes a sort of interior decor within our homes. Imagine wall-mounting a BRAVIA above the fireplace. What's your first impression? A contemporary electronic or a television that accentuates a style of which it complements the decor of the whole room? Either way, each product should stand out. It should naturally leave a mark in the consumer's mind. Now how can we go about making the user's experience better? Research? Market survey? I beg to differ. Although, technically these steps are still essential and not once can we remove them, it ain't all. The product created must carry a sense of finesse. It's discernment must be known as it stands out totally. That's how the consumer would realize products today are designed to inspire. Products which are constructed in a slipshod manner wouldn't get a chance of even being bought by a consumer.

''I believe that one day Japanese companies like Sony would be able to be the best again.'' - Sir Howard Stringer, CEO, Chairman and President of Sony Corporation

Ever since Apple has taken over the consumer's world with their iPod and iPhone, people have been rendering them as the best. Companies like Sony have been forgotten. Back in 1979, Sony took the world by the storm with the first personal stereo player. iPods didn't exist at all. But today why is the legendary Walkman forgotten? Why is it totally obliterated from the portable media players' popularity? How did Apple steal the limelight? Maybe that's because of their open technology. Well, now Sony's changing too.

''We have to understand our consumers. When my sales department ask me how much should we retail this at I always say ''don't ask me, watch our customers.'' '' - Sir Howard Stringer, CEO, Chairman, President of Sony Corporation

Maybe it's due to the iPod's simplicity. Or maybe it's due to their overwhelming popularity in the States that brought it out to the rest of the world. Probably the way it lacks being too in-depth into technical details had made it render as a favorite brand amongst consumers. But I can strongly and safely say. Sony products all have a definite product identity of which one cannot lie to themselves that there isn't.

''Believe that curiosity is the key to creativity. Believe that anything you can imagine, you can make real.'' - Sony make.believe

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