Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Sophistication of Design

Design a long process that may tire some easily. Gives one a sense of satisfaction once successfully accomplished. Despite it being an arduous task, I fell in love with it. You may ask why? Design always come in tandem with technology. It is the language between engineers and designers. What we have all around us all derived from Design from one way or the other. Be it, Structures, Mechanisms or Electronics. These technologies play a crucial part in our daily lives. Consumers today all seek to enjoy a compelling experience that technologies can deliver with utmost precision especially in the field of consumer electronics. We should embrace the design process as without it, designers and engineers alike would constantly be baffled. It is a exhaustive process but in spite of this, designers remain undaunted and always willing to challenge on how we currently see the world.
If we're willing to take it on, wouldn't that render us as a pioneer in that field? Quintessentially, people thought of this as an insurmountable task. For many years, we have been contemplating if the Design process could be changed. Well, in most cases, companies failed. But could we risk playing with fire and see if we ripe the rewards?

''We believe that technology can transform the human experience.'' - Sony Design

That statement makes sense. Technology have seemed to become more resilient over the years. It looks like time is showing us technology one day could be so advanced that we the creators ourselves might be overtaken ourselves! But I hope not :D I guess I shall continue tomorrow instead.

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