Saturday, May 8, 2010

Consumers' Mindset And Sony NWZ-W252

So so so, what have we got here? Look it up. Yeah, it's the consumers' mindset. Hoorah to their wonderful mindset. Well, I hate to interrupt people, but I wanna wrap this up before it gets any worse. And yes, it can get real bad. Alright, so I've stated before on the screwed up mindset of consumers. Yeah, they think something new is great. Bullshit. Have you ever heard that new things can screw up too? Well, I doubt they do. The typical average consumer would be like, '' Hey that's the new cool 3D thing that the market been talking about all day long!'' (I'm not saying 3D sucks by the way.) But shouldn't they know what they are getting themselves into? A manufacturer says you connect your products that way. Let's say a PS3 to a Sony home theatre. The consumer acts smart and says, '' Maybe HDMI ain't the best, I shall use composite cables since they make the icons look bigger...''
Some even think component cables high quality (which they are) because they spread the video signal into 5 cables... C'mon man. It's 3 only. 2 others are the normal standard red and white cables. Your stereo sound comes from there. Only 3 cables process the signals. Either RGB or YPbBr. Those are the 2 ways. Ya know what? That guy thinks he's great. Oh ya, I know this. I know that. I'm sure I'm always right. My friend asked me why didn't I correct him? Why bother? Yeah here I am saying we should educate consumers. But why do I say don't bother? That's because this consumers like the example above think they know it all. That type of attitude ain't worth my time teaching. So much for him saying we must be humble. Although I know more tech stuff than him. I don't flaunt it. I merely stand nearby and just observe how the daily consumer does their stuff. And seriously sometimes it amuses me. :D By the way, don't teenagers nowadays think they know a lot? I doubt they really do. HAHA! Ironically, I'm a teenager myself. :D

HELL YEAH!!! NWZ-W252! Water-Resistant Wearable WALKMAN Is Here! Retailing at $129. Hey that's a surprise. It's other cousin retails at the same price too although it ain't water-resistant. HAHA! It was pouring just now. I wished I had it... Dancing in the rain with the one you love rocks. Don't ya think? xD

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