Monday, May 31, 2010

Focused Onto One-track

Specialization is what I seek. It's a sort of thing that mixes very well with me, just like honey and water. Anyways, people say that I'm too specialized into something in this scenario, it's technology. Technology itself is a very big word. It can mean many different things. There's audio to video to coding to the very technical based theories that involves Physics. Either way, I love specializing in the realm of audio and video. Though I'm getting myself involved in coding too 'cos of Sony, I hope it wouldn't be a ephemeral kinda thing. Thus far, the coding that I saw so far looks quite interesting. I admit I'm intrigued. Of which, I wanna be thrown into the coding world immersing myself in the realm of decoding and coding. Somehow there's this unspeakable aura where when the codes are all set in stone, they decode perfectly. Such an unremarkable feat. * Applause*

Anyways, being on the technical side is what is in store for me. Many disrespect, make snide remarks, smirk when they see technical people. Okay maybe they are delinquents but if you look at the upper echelon like the designers and engineers, they are definitely the sort that have the brains that makes engineering such a marvel.

Of course, the lawyers, doctors and all the other jobs, executives all give a devilish smile when they see the engineers and designers. But, but have they ever thought the products that they use are exactly the works of the engineerings and designers? Don't snigger but remember that appreciating everything around you is that of a work of art. Indulge yourself.

Specialization & Technicalization

Friday, May 28, 2010

Feelings of friendship?

Well sometimes, we take what we can get right? So melodramatic. Besides, you guys are overcompensating. I don't bother with outings. Sorry man. Partying and Truman don't mix. Anyways, I rejected my junior outright upon his invitation to a Peer Leader BBQ. No thanks man. Somehow I don't ever feel belonged to anywhere. As in seriously anywhere. But that's awesome. I prefer to loiter in the shadows and a silhouette to represent me instead. That's what Truman is. A shadow in the light. I would to keep it that way. :D Maybe it's just me or Daniel's right. I feel precarious whenever I'm in congregations. There's this unwavering feeling that is incessant and doesn't seem to cease to exist. It lingers on as if it tries to etch itself within my memory. Okay you may think I'm losing my mind. But on the contrary, I ain't. Matter of fact, I intend to keep it that way. I don't see anything wrong with myself so far from doing all this. Keeping myself away from the limelight has always been what I seek. I always wait in the background and contemplate. I don't bother making an entrance and even I do, I make my own way, of which it's definitely a grand entrance filled with grandeur. I never seek to make a mark but if I do it's either necessary or I'm doing it to impress.

But that's besides the point. The point is that it's hard to understand others and it's even harder to understand ourselves. Therefore, I think even if I'm gonna lose ALL my friends of which I feel/think it's partially true or necessary. Every time I see others like RGS NCC (Air) Batch ('cos they first struck me into writing this post) having outings and all like today, I thought why couldn't I do that too? Be that united. An unbreakable bond. But then it dawned upon me why should I care? I do admit I was skeptical. But then again............. I was offered by Siak Wei and Imaan at times. But I declined 'em of course. Maybe it's just my dignity or I'm playing hard to get. By either way............. That's me. Yours truly.

This could be heartbreaking but all in all, I'll just need family and Sony.

Thursday, May 27, 2010


A WALKMAN is invigorating and pumps out the music.

A WALKMAN emanates such tranquility that is truly like no other.

A WALKMAN is sculptured specially for the discerning music connoisseur.

A WALKMAN is truly engineered for the audiophile.

A WALKMAN is the fusion of infatuation of music and precocious technologies.

Welcome to the world of WALKMAN
for the love of music. WALKMAN
Sony Precision Engineering

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Video Audio Intelligence Organiser

A VAIO is a reflection of Sony's culture and precision engineering.

A VAIO accentuates a style that is unrivaled.

A VAIO emanates stylishness which is truly like no other.

A VAIO is sculptured like a work of art.

A VAIO is a sign of an executive.

A VAIO is effulgent and radiates a subtle sense of your cultured style.

A VAIO is erudite in nature and seeks to encompass you within nature.

A VAIO is closer to you as it becomes part of you.

A VAIO encapsulates the sophistication of Sony Design.

A VAIO emulates the ethereal concept of Sony's precision in engineering.

A VAIO is ingeniously incorporated with precocious technologies of tomorrow.

A VAIO is no longer a computer but an organiser that is closer to you.

Welcome to the world of VAIO

closer to you. VAIO

Sony Design

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Monolithic Design

A product that totally accentuates a style that's differs from the contemporary standard of electronics.

A product that exudes such unprecedented quality squired by Sony's original software.

A product that accents such stylishness that is truly like no other.

A product that is exotic in construction and emanate a definite product identity.

A product that reflects Sony's culture and precision engineering.

That is Sony Design

Monday, May 24, 2010


Whoops sorry to those who didn't see my previous post. But well it's damn emotional. So yeah. Maybe it ain't really for your eyes either. So don't fret. Besides, it's time to talk about Sony again. :D I was browsing through their general catalogue and realised that although they had promotions for the VAIO (Video Audio Intelligence Organiser) previously know as the (Video Audio Integrated Operation) they didn't have it for the Headphones line-up. That's sad man. I always wanted the MDR-EX700SL which retails at a whooping $449 and the MDR-NC300D which is peddling at $559. Yep open those eyes. They are all in the high hundreds. I mean I can't help it. I'm an audiophile while that's what people call me. They are overcompensating but why not? Haha, I'm damn ego nowadays. I wouldn't mind being conferred upon a title of an Audiophile. :D Besides, EX series which has the tagline of ''For Perfect Sound'' really lives up to its name. If the 13.5mm driver unit already produces such acute sound, what would a 16mm driver unit produce? For your information, I have always taken a liking to in-ear headphones not the headphones (the big large ones over your head). Anyways for achieving sonic perfection EX series is the best there is from Sony. For noise canceling the MDR-NC300D can cancel up to 98.4% which is damn awesome for a in-ear earphones. And it comes with Dynamic Normalizer and S-Master Digital Amplifier built-in. Believe it or not. Well considering the fact that they are both flagship models, one wouldn't flinch at its unprecedented sound quality. Its aberrant construction is really a marvel of Japanese engineering in this case. Sony.

''Believe that curiosity is the key to creativity. Believe that anything you can imagine, you can make real.'' - Sony make.believe

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Make The Correct Decision

With all the avid competition out there, it's not surprising that consumers do not have the correct mindset. Besides, they do play a part in their incorrect mindset. Consumers today need to know the technology behind the product they intend to purchase. Example like DLNA certified, FULL HD 1080p, Wi-Fi Integrated etc. These are the technologies that you should look out for.

Besides, technologies aren't all. There are brand considerations, measurements of the television etc. Sometimes, there are offers for lowly priced electronics. But don't trust them. Why?

That's because, most of these products are of technologies of the past. What we are always on the quest for are technologies for the future not the present or the past. Although technology in the future is more costly and a big hole in the packet, think about it this way. When the future arrives, you could still use the technology you purchased as that time you decided to purchase it for the future. Keep it as a one-time kinda thing. Would it be more worth it to keep buying technologies in the present or just buy it once so you can use it still in the future?

Friday, May 21, 2010

It's My Life

Call me selfish. I don't care. It's my life. I hate it when you question my motive. I hate it when I always have to think about people's feelings. It really is a damn irritating feeling. I think it's better off sometimes to just ignore other people's feelings. I mean sometimes to make everyone feel happy it's a damn exhausting thing. It feels like I'm expected to accomplish all these tasks to make everyone happy. Why can't you guys decide sometimes? Why can't you take the initiative? Am I that scary? Do I look like that type of person who immediately refute a suggestion in your face? Well, if I do, then I apologize. But other then that, it's really a pain in the ass to keep thinking for the sake of others. A real freaking pain in the ass.

I'm not gonna change for anyone. It's my life. It's my character. Live with it. You guys think I'm too coarse in terms of language. Sorry, as far as I'm fucking concerned here, profanities are just another form of expression. Candidness. Nothing else. It's in the dictionary. C'mon it's in there folks. So are ya telling me it's vulgar just 'cos it's avoided? Besides, any word in the dictionary is just an official word. It's my life. I have the right to use. Live with that. If you have taken offence. Then sorry. Other then that. Seriously, learn to fuckin' live it.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

A Definite Product Identity

''Now there's a definite product identity. That's what I call Sony Design.'' - Yasuo Kuroki, Father of Sony Design

Today's products are not of the ones of yesterday's technology. Today's products form the total fusion of the mind and soul of the designer. Each product has a definite product identity that sets it apart from it's counterparts. Electronics have advanced to the stage where it becomes a sort of interior decor within our homes. Imagine wall-mounting a BRAVIA above the fireplace. What's your first impression? A contemporary electronic or a television that accentuates a style of which it complements the decor of the whole room? Either way, each product should stand out. It should naturally leave a mark in the consumer's mind. Now how can we go about making the user's experience better? Research? Market survey? I beg to differ. Although, technically these steps are still essential and not once can we remove them, it ain't all. The product created must carry a sense of finesse. It's discernment must be known as it stands out totally. That's how the consumer would realize products today are designed to inspire. Products which are constructed in a slipshod manner wouldn't get a chance of even being bought by a consumer.

''I believe that one day Japanese companies like Sony would be able to be the best again.'' - Sir Howard Stringer, CEO, Chairman and President of Sony Corporation

Ever since Apple has taken over the consumer's world with their iPod and iPhone, people have been rendering them as the best. Companies like Sony have been forgotten. Back in 1979, Sony took the world by the storm with the first personal stereo player. iPods didn't exist at all. But today why is the legendary Walkman forgotten? Why is it totally obliterated from the portable media players' popularity? How did Apple steal the limelight? Maybe that's because of their open technology. Well, now Sony's changing too.

''We have to understand our consumers. When my sales department ask me how much should we retail this at I always say ''don't ask me, watch our customers.'' '' - Sir Howard Stringer, CEO, Chairman, President of Sony Corporation

Maybe it's due to the iPod's simplicity. Or maybe it's due to their overwhelming popularity in the States that brought it out to the rest of the world. Probably the way it lacks being too in-depth into technical details had made it render as a favorite brand amongst consumers. But I can strongly and safely say. Sony products all have a definite product identity of which one cannot lie to themselves that there isn't.

''Believe that curiosity is the key to creativity. Believe that anything you can imagine, you can make real.'' - Sony make.believe

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Sophistication of Design

Design a long process that may tire some easily. Gives one a sense of satisfaction once successfully accomplished. Despite it being an arduous task, I fell in love with it. You may ask why? Design always come in tandem with technology. It is the language between engineers and designers. What we have all around us all derived from Design from one way or the other. Be it, Structures, Mechanisms or Electronics. These technologies play a crucial part in our daily lives. Consumers today all seek to enjoy a compelling experience that technologies can deliver with utmost precision especially in the field of consumer electronics. We should embrace the design process as without it, designers and engineers alike would constantly be baffled. It is a exhaustive process but in spite of this, designers remain undaunted and always willing to challenge on how we currently see the world.
If we're willing to take it on, wouldn't that render us as a pioneer in that field? Quintessentially, people thought of this as an insurmountable task. For many years, we have been contemplating if the Design process could be changed. Well, in most cases, companies failed. But could we risk playing with fire and see if we ripe the rewards?

''We believe that technology can transform the human experience.'' - Sony Design

That statement makes sense. Technology have seemed to become more resilient over the years. It looks like time is showing us technology one day could be so advanced that we the creators ourselves might be overtaken ourselves! But I hope not :D I guess I shall continue tomorrow instead.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Consumers' Mindset And Sony NWZ-W252

So so so, what have we got here? Look it up. Yeah, it's the consumers' mindset. Hoorah to their wonderful mindset. Well, I hate to interrupt people, but I wanna wrap this up before it gets any worse. And yes, it can get real bad. Alright, so I've stated before on the screwed up mindset of consumers. Yeah, they think something new is great. Bullshit. Have you ever heard that new things can screw up too? Well, I doubt they do. The typical average consumer would be like, '' Hey that's the new cool 3D thing that the market been talking about all day long!'' (I'm not saying 3D sucks by the way.) But shouldn't they know what they are getting themselves into? A manufacturer says you connect your products that way. Let's say a PS3 to a Sony home theatre. The consumer acts smart and says, '' Maybe HDMI ain't the best, I shall use composite cables since they make the icons look bigger...''
Some even think component cables high quality (which they are) because they spread the video signal into 5 cables... C'mon man. It's 3 only. 2 others are the normal standard red and white cables. Your stereo sound comes from there. Only 3 cables process the signals. Either RGB or YPbBr. Those are the 2 ways. Ya know what? That guy thinks he's great. Oh ya, I know this. I know that. I'm sure I'm always right. My friend asked me why didn't I correct him? Why bother? Yeah here I am saying we should educate consumers. But why do I say don't bother? That's because this consumers like the example above think they know it all. That type of attitude ain't worth my time teaching. So much for him saying we must be humble. Although I know more tech stuff than him. I don't flaunt it. I merely stand nearby and just observe how the daily consumer does their stuff. And seriously sometimes it amuses me. :D By the way, don't teenagers nowadays think they know a lot? I doubt they really do. HAHA! Ironically, I'm a teenager myself. :D

HELL YEAH!!! NWZ-W252! Water-Resistant Wearable WALKMAN Is Here! Retailing at $129. Hey that's a surprise. It's other cousin retails at the same price too although it ain't water-resistant. HAHA! It was pouring just now. I wished I had it... Dancing in the rain with the one you love rocks. Don't ya think? xD

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Memory Lane

Walking down memory lane is one thing. Strolling down it is another. But why we humans walk down that lane at times? Does that only happen when nostalgia hits you? Alright, maybe that's probably a soothing feeling at times. Besides, I wouldn't want things to be a little melodramatic. It comes best whenever you're alone. Alone with your beautiful music and the surrounding tranquility, it's truly a feeling like no other. I yearn for that feeling. A feeling no more. But I'm sure it would return one day.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

I'm Sorry

I'm sorry if I've made you cry. Well I think you did, based on what you posted on your blog. I sure hope we could get over this quickly. As you said, it won't be perfect anymore. The glass is permanently cracked. But if our friendship is strong enough, I suppose any crack can't impend our advance to a stronger friendship. It's gonna be hard for both of us to ameliorate the pain. But if we're willing to it's possible. I guess this incident shows how weak our friendship is. A friendship needs mutual understanding. And I hope after this incident, everything else will be fine like before. Melvin doesn't really need to know this. Let's just keep it between ourselves. Let's hope for a better future then?

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


So knowledge is a good thing I suppose. A flow of information that gives a more open outlook to the world for the mind. The thing is why are people gonna be criticized badly for such information? Are we just comparing who's the stronger one there?
That's unfair and no, don't give me bullshit saying life's unfair. So what if you are better than me at academics? So what if you are better than me at certain subjects like Maths and Chemistry? Now I know why your sister just can't seem to understand and learn from you. Probably she ain't stupid. No one's stupid. Yeah, you did try your best since she's your sister. But your arrogant attitude of flaunting knowledge is really getting on my nerves. I mean, the only reason why I'm asking you is because you are the one of the few that I can rely on information. It's really getting into me. You don't seem to be sensitive to others'. You don't seem to understand and respect how people feel. Well, maybe it's your nature. But still, does that grant you the right that I may be weaker than at Chemistry? Okay, reprimanding your sister is one thing. Chiding your friend is the other. Friend? I highly doubt so the way things are unfolding. Can't you slowly teach me like the others? Can't there be some sort of understanding border that I can have? There's the feeling of loneliness there whenever I see you chatting away with Melvin. I know finally how it feels to be like my other friend. It's a selfish feeling. A very sad thing which was clearly instigated by you people. At times, whenever I think about it, I feel sorry for Jinwei. He doesn't deserve it. He's a nice guy and all. He empathizes with people. I try to at times. But to no avail. You claim that you care for your friends. But since when do you that? Actions speak louder than words. Your action doesn't reflect the bullshit you claim. Sometimes, a person who's mentally unstable can see the real truth behind the light. It takes a trip behind the scenes who really are. So what if you're more knowledgeable in terms of the Sciences and Mathematics? Yeah, you claimed ''I hope tomorrow there wouldn't be acidic oxides.'' Okay well, I can thank you for that. But do you mean it? Every word you say don't seem to say how you claim. Same goes, you don't wanna hear my own knowledge on technology, I respect that. But I understand what you've to tell me at times are useful. I thank you sincerely for that. But sometimes your cavalier attitude really turns me off. I feel like it's a total new person. Call me over-reacting. But it happened since the very first outing we had. Why do you think I avoid you at times? You may not notice since you're always chatting gaily with Melvin. Sometimes, when Melvin tells me,''hey, maybe I'll come if Melvin comes haha. There would be a higher chance.'' Ya know how I felt? I wanted to say no. Maybe, I'm too kind. I should had say no straight in his face. I really didn't want you along at times because of what I just mentioned. Your presence is overbearing at times. Maybe you would be my own ex-Senior or Senior if you still recognize me as your Junior. I don't know about how Melvin feels about this. I don't really think we should think about it either. Too melodramatic? Yeah maybe. But who cares already? I'll end it here. Sorry if I offended you Melvins'. But I hope the next time would be much better.

''Your current results doesn't really matter. What matters is that you have ambition. '' - Akio Morita, Sony Co-Founder