Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Life In The Express Lane

Friends? I think I did a post that reminiscent this before. Sometimes we go through life too quickly and forget where we are and friends that we have. Okay maybe sometimes we overlook all these things inadvertently. But it ain't our fault right? I suppose such things are inevitable. At times nostalgia does hit you but life being in the express lane really zooms past really swiftly. One can't do anything about it. It is June now. The mid part of the year. 5 months from now, I'm gonna be a graduate from 'O' Levels. The thing is that I hope everything would be like the present. No change whatsoever. Astounded? I hope not.

I had been thinking over the course of the past few days. What would it be like for life to be in the supine lane? People told me to eat slowly, enjoy the sumptuous food. People tell me let life slow down and enjoy the beauty of Mother Nature. People tell me to live life in a composed manner. Then I would be able to appreciate the grandeur of cosmos. Maybe I should start my quest on that. Live life in the slow lane. It will be a edifying experience like no other I hope?

Though living in the slow lane would prove to be unparalleled sometimes living in the fast lane would seemingly prove our worth and ultimately affirm ourselves.

P.S. And to the two of you abroad? Have a stupefying day back in your own soil. Besides, although it ain't Japan, China and Taiwan are equally unsurpassed. Of course it's envisioned that you girls wouldn't drop by here on this blog. But then again, I'm still trying to keep my fingers crossed and look up to the heavens above one day and ask you, '' Do you see the same star as me? 'Cos if you do then it shows our heart is beating as one don't you think? Sounds saccharine? How nice would it be to let our hearts give off a resounding wave that reflects off the star our eyes are fixated upon and reflect back to you?''

Someone guess who's ''you'' and leave a tag :P

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