Saturday, June 5, 2010

I don't care anymore. It just seems to be one-sided thing. I'm always the one giving. But no one returns the fucking favour. I give and no one appreciates. I help and no one flinches at it. You fuckers all take it for granted. I take minimal and you fuckers say I'm anti-social.

Don't you see the reason at times why I retreat back to my space at times? There must be a reason right? The whole point is that sometimes one cannot just see everything on the surface. You have to delve beneath the surface. I swear it's fucking exasperating for me to keep putting on a happy face and face you motherfuckers. And when I put on a straight face, you think I'm putting on a goddamn attitude. For fuck's sake, there must be a fucking reason don't ya think? I fucking it ain't good to make friends in Singapore. A bunch of liars for friends, a group dedicated to manipulate you and a fucking organization to enmesh you.

You might counter this post by saying, but it's you most of the time who reject outings. I agree that's true. But don't ya think sometimes there's a fuckin' reason behind that too? Don't you fuckers realize I only go out with people whom I really know well? Don't you fuckers realize I hate to go along every time? I prefer to make my own way. I don't fucking like to follow another fucker's instruction. I feel as if it's an obstruction of my authority. Call me an autocratic or an authoritarian 'cos personally i don't give a fuck.

Do whatever you want. I don't care. Think of me what exactly you perceive me to be. As far as I'm fucking concerned whatever you think of me to be, you're a hell lot worse. I don't care anymore about you fuckers. The truth hurts. And this is what I've been wanting to tell you fuckers. Peace is nothing but a fabrication of the truth.

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