Wednesday, June 2, 2010

A Helping Hand

A helping hand is a good thing I suppose. Eons ago, I was entrusted with the task of changing a person. Okay I wasn't exactly entrusted but more like I had the choice to.

Though I don't think I'm obliged to help, it might be an eye-opening experience when trying to change someone. Although I hate him at times for screwing around with my passion, I can't exactly blame him for everything. Despite it being a daunting task, I suppose I can help him? Even if I do, I wouldn't want to help all the way to the end. I ain't being coerced by anyone to do this right?

But then again, despite my ranting on, I hope that everything would be fine? Though, I think I still ain't obliged, I'll just do whatever I can.

Video Audio Intelligence Organiser
closer to you. VAIO
Sony Design & Precision Engineering

I wanna go to Wisma Atria again man. I have to yet to compare the two flagship headphone models yet. I hope to go there again this weekend. :D Then once I can make my choice (though I don't think it can be done within one trip down due to the exorbitant price), I wanna head down to the Marina Bay Skypark haha. Though it's gonna be a sweltering afternoon, I might wanna go up there since 57 floors up in the sky should be cooling. But then again without a good Cyber-Shot or Sony Alpha DSLR, it would be such a waste to not capture the sweet panorama view. Such a spectacular landscape that one could easily relish the city skyline and enjoy a breath-taking view of the horizon.

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