Thursday, June 10, 2010

What Would Be The Path To Sony?

I don't know. I'm feeling lost. I need a path to Sony. But that path seems to be deluding me. I feel like a lost bird in the jungle unsure of the next move. I want a straight path. As such it seems that my plan has been thwarted time and time again. Someone tell me how do I get to Sony? A definite path to Sony. Let's do this.

Today, when I went out with a friend and supposedly met him at Kallang MRT station. I was loitering over there hanging around. Ya know. The normal boring shit. Just then when I put a call through to Sony inquiring about the PC Show 2010, I noticed a teenage couple who walked past me. Hell there were a lot shorter. But ya know what? The male lead went to top-up his card then walked away but then halted directly in front of me. Just a few meters away from me. Guess what, they embraced in a hug and eyes closed for 3 secs. Then their lips connected in a passionate kiss. Probably even tongues were intertwined. But why am I mentioning all this for? Is it that significant? I don't know. Somehow that very image has been captured by my brain and sent to the permanent hard disk. Their actions were astounding. I mean like kissing in public? Hugging in public? I got to really hand it to them. That somehow struck a chord in my heart. Let's me reminiscent upon my own interpersonal relationships. And it dawned upon me. Love can be that fragile. Takes a millennium to succeed but a second to break it. Don't know what I'm gonna get from this incident but I suppose...
I swear I'm feeling fucked up.

P.S. E3 2010 is sure as hell better than PC Show 2010 in Singapore.

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