Thursday, June 10, 2010

What Would Be The Path To Sony?

I don't know. I'm feeling lost. I need a path to Sony. But that path seems to be deluding me. I feel like a lost bird in the jungle unsure of the next move. I want a straight path. As such it seems that my plan has been thwarted time and time again. Someone tell me how do I get to Sony? A definite path to Sony. Let's do this.

Today, when I went out with a friend and supposedly met him at Kallang MRT station. I was loitering over there hanging around. Ya know. The normal boring shit. Just then when I put a call through to Sony inquiring about the PC Show 2010, I noticed a teenage couple who walked past me. Hell there were a lot shorter. But ya know what? The male lead went to top-up his card then walked away but then halted directly in front of me. Just a few meters away from me. Guess what, they embraced in a hug and eyes closed for 3 secs. Then their lips connected in a passionate kiss. Probably even tongues were intertwined. But why am I mentioning all this for? Is it that significant? I don't know. Somehow that very image has been captured by my brain and sent to the permanent hard disk. Their actions were astounding. I mean like kissing in public? Hugging in public? I got to really hand it to them. That somehow struck a chord in my heart. Let's me reminiscent upon my own interpersonal relationships. And it dawned upon me. Love can be that fragile. Takes a millennium to succeed but a second to break it. Don't know what I'm gonna get from this incident but I suppose...
I swear I'm feeling fucked up.

P.S. E3 2010 is sure as hell better than PC Show 2010 in Singapore.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Boys & Girls

Haha though it's a song by Ayumi Hamasaki, I suppose somehow it does relate to my life. Nothing to do with the lyrics. But more like it's the literal meaning of those words.

Okay maybe we weren't meant for each other. But not that I give a damn now right? Thought I admit seeing you enjoying yourself in Shanghai gives me the feeling that somehow you're nothing but a faint little star, I'm still willing to relish those moments that I spent chatting with you. A dream in reality. But then again, I suppose it would not work out. We are not a match in heaven. Wait up where's this going? Match made in heaven? Erm, that sounds a little effusive don't ya think?

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Words That Sting or Words That Comfort

Words itself is void of emotion. No sense of style or feelings that exudes from it but instead it carries the emotion from the sender. In fact the words that are said are not all the time accurate. The sender's personality comes into play too.

Let me give you an example. If a person who's non-driven and has the I-don't-want-to-learn attitude, would say, ''...'' or ''okay'' or probably some sort of boring answer. On the contrary, a person with an opposite character would reply, ''Hell alright! Let's do this!''.

Most of the time we look at the sender before we take note of what they say. Naturally, the sender's characters are already imbued within our minds. From there, our supercomputer in the head processes the words and whatever the character of the person who sent, we imagine as if he/she is directly saying it to us. The words would then carry the newly acquainted emotion drive and the message would either comfort or sting.

An eccentric thing about human nature would be sometimes words that are meant to comfort which are said by the opposite gender works wonders. Don't get me wrong. I ain't scouting for some girl to listen to my problems. Though I would flinch at that offer, I'll still pass. But then again... Err never mind. Wouldn't want anyone to come after me mentioning names. HAHA

Saturday, June 5, 2010

I don't care anymore. It just seems to be one-sided thing. I'm always the one giving. But no one returns the fucking favour. I give and no one appreciates. I help and no one flinches at it. You fuckers all take it for granted. I take minimal and you fuckers say I'm anti-social.

Don't you see the reason at times why I retreat back to my space at times? There must be a reason right? The whole point is that sometimes one cannot just see everything on the surface. You have to delve beneath the surface. I swear it's fucking exasperating for me to keep putting on a happy face and face you motherfuckers. And when I put on a straight face, you think I'm putting on a goddamn attitude. For fuck's sake, there must be a fucking reason don't ya think? I fucking it ain't good to make friends in Singapore. A bunch of liars for friends, a group dedicated to manipulate you and a fucking organization to enmesh you.

You might counter this post by saying, but it's you most of the time who reject outings. I agree that's true. But don't ya think sometimes there's a fuckin' reason behind that too? Don't you fuckers realize I only go out with people whom I really know well? Don't you fuckers realize I hate to go along every time? I prefer to make my own way. I don't fucking like to follow another fucker's instruction. I feel as if it's an obstruction of my authority. Call me an autocratic or an authoritarian 'cos personally i don't give a fuck.

Do whatever you want. I don't care. Think of me what exactly you perceive me to be. As far as I'm fucking concerned whatever you think of me to be, you're a hell lot worse. I don't care anymore about you fuckers. The truth hurts. And this is what I've been wanting to tell you fuckers. Peace is nothing but a fabrication of the truth.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Video Audio Intelligence Organiser

I need some help here haha. Anyone wants to help me pick a VAIO that suits me? Please do! The specifications are all below. Tag the choice. :D
*I have only included the important specifications. For aesthetics pleasure, the pictures of the three VAIOs are uploaded here.
Black w/o Cylindrical Hinge on the right: VAIO EA117FG
Black w/ Cylindrical Hinge on the right: VAIO S117GG
Gold: VAIO SR55
CPU: Intel Core i5-520M Processor 2.40Ghz with Turbo Boost up to 2.93Ghz
OS: Genuine Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit
Hard Disk: 500GB (Serial ATA, 5400rpm)
Memory (RAM): 4GB DDR3 SDRAM (max. 8GB)
Display: 14" Wide (WXGA: 1366X768) TFT Colour Display (VAIO Display, LED Backlight)
Graphic Card: ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5650 Graphics
Dedicated Video Memory (VRAM): 1GB DDR3 SDRAM
Camera: Effective Pixels: 640X480
Disc Drive: Blu-ray Disc Drive
Audio: Intel High Definition Audio
Weight: 2.35Kg (including the supplied battery)
Price: $2199 (inclusive of 7% GST)

Sony VPCS117GG
CPU: Intel Core i5-520M Processor 2.40Ghz with Turbo Boost up to 2.93Ghz
OS: Genuine Windows 7 Professional 64-bit
Memory (RAM): 4GB DDR3 SDRAM (max. 8GB)
Hard Disk: 500GB (Serial ATA, 5400rpm)
Display: 13.3" Wide (WXGA: 1366X768) TFT Colour Display (VAIO Display, LED Backlight)
Graphic Card: Nvidia GeForce 310 GPU with CUDA Technology
Dedicated Video Memory (VRAM): 512MB DDR3 SDRAM
Camera: Effective Pixels: 640X480
Disc Drive: DVD+/-RW/R DL/RAM Drive
Audio: Intel High Definition Audio
Weight: 2.0Kg (including supplied battery)
Price: $2299 (inclusive of 7% GST)

Sony VPCSR55
CPU: Intel Centrino 2 Processor Technology
Intel Core 2 Duo Processor P8700 (2.53Ghz)
OS: Genuine Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit
Hard Disk: 320GB (Serial ATA, 5400rpm)
Dedicated Video Memory (VRAM): 3GB DDR2 SDRAM (max. 8GB)
Display: 13.3 Wide (WXGA: 1280X800) TFT Colour Display (VAIO Display Plus, LED Backlight
Graphic Card: ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4570 Graphics
Camera: Effective Pixels: 1280X1024
Disc Drive: DVD+/-RW/R DL/RAM Drive
Audio: Intel High Definition Audio
Weight: 2.0Kg (including supplied battery)
Price $2199 (inclusive of 7% GST)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

A Helping Hand

A helping hand is a good thing I suppose. Eons ago, I was entrusted with the task of changing a person. Okay I wasn't exactly entrusted but more like I had the choice to.

Though I don't think I'm obliged to help, it might be an eye-opening experience when trying to change someone. Although I hate him at times for screwing around with my passion, I can't exactly blame him for everything. Despite it being a daunting task, I suppose I can help him? Even if I do, I wouldn't want to help all the way to the end. I ain't being coerced by anyone to do this right?

But then again, despite my ranting on, I hope that everything would be fine? Though, I think I still ain't obliged, I'll just do whatever I can.

Video Audio Intelligence Organiser
closer to you. VAIO
Sony Design & Precision Engineering

I wanna go to Wisma Atria again man. I have to yet to compare the two flagship headphone models yet. I hope to go there again this weekend. :D Then once I can make my choice (though I don't think it can be done within one trip down due to the exorbitant price), I wanna head down to the Marina Bay Skypark haha. Though it's gonna be a sweltering afternoon, I might wanna go up there since 57 floors up in the sky should be cooling. But then again without a good Cyber-Shot or Sony Alpha DSLR, it would be such a waste to not capture the sweet panorama view. Such a spectacular landscape that one could easily relish the city skyline and enjoy a breath-taking view of the horizon.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Life In The Express Lane

Friends? I think I did a post that reminiscent this before. Sometimes we go through life too quickly and forget where we are and friends that we have. Okay maybe sometimes we overlook all these things inadvertently. But it ain't our fault right? I suppose such things are inevitable. At times nostalgia does hit you but life being in the express lane really zooms past really swiftly. One can't do anything about it. It is June now. The mid part of the year. 5 months from now, I'm gonna be a graduate from 'O' Levels. The thing is that I hope everything would be like the present. No change whatsoever. Astounded? I hope not.

I had been thinking over the course of the past few days. What would it be like for life to be in the supine lane? People told me to eat slowly, enjoy the sumptuous food. People tell me let life slow down and enjoy the beauty of Mother Nature. People tell me to live life in a composed manner. Then I would be able to appreciate the grandeur of cosmos. Maybe I should start my quest on that. Live life in the slow lane. It will be a edifying experience like no other I hope?

Though living in the slow lane would prove to be unparalleled sometimes living in the fast lane would seemingly prove our worth and ultimately affirm ourselves.

P.S. And to the two of you abroad? Have a stupefying day back in your own soil. Besides, although it ain't Japan, China and Taiwan are equally unsurpassed. Of course it's envisioned that you girls wouldn't drop by here on this blog. But then again, I'm still trying to keep my fingers crossed and look up to the heavens above one day and ask you, '' Do you see the same star as me? 'Cos if you do then it shows our heart is beating as one don't you think? Sounds saccharine? How nice would it be to let our hearts give off a resounding wave that reflects off the star our eyes are fixated upon and reflect back to you?''

Someone guess who's ''you'' and leave a tag :P