Sunday, April 11, 2010


Consumers these days seriously don't know what the fuck's hitting them. They go to the electronics shop and they carry the know-it-all attitude. I pity those salesman that have to serve the idiotic consumers. Yeah, technically, the consumers crowd should be ignorant and completely oblivious to the on-going progress of technology. But in today's society, the talk's all about 3D. Why? Many people visit the movies, and thus that's how they got wind of 3D technology that's gonna be brought straight into their pathetically designed electronic house.

A typical consumer would ask, ''What's the difference between LED and LCD?'' or ''Is a LED TV more superior than a LCD TV?'' or ''Does HDMI carry Full HD signals?'' Such questions are pretty straightforward. Okay maybe, they wouldn't really know the difference between LED and LCD since LED is less-known in the consumers world. But surely HDMI they would know some basic information on it?

On the other hand, sometimes the salesman, themselves have no fucking idea when ya saying the correct stuff. Let's say an idiotic consumer tries to get information about the LED and LCD.

''May I know what's the difference between a LED and LCD?''

A ignorant salesman might say,''Oh, LCD is just another way to be the backlight module for the HDTV.''


LED: Light Emitting Diode
LCD: Liquid Crystal Display

LED is just a form of a backlight module. Not the display itself. The LCD is used to cover the backlight module, in this case, the LED. New HDTVs use a LED backlight module. Quintessentially, HDTVs use CCFL backlight module.
CCFL: Cold-Cathode Fluorescent Lamp. There's another which is the HCFL.
HCFL: Hot-Cathode Fluorescent Lamp. LEDs are more cost-effective and are able to be arranged in RGB (Red, Green, Blue) to form the picture. Even newer HDTVs have Edge LED, meaning the LEDs are placed along the side of the TV therefore, saving space making the TV thinner. However, HCFL and CCFL consist of a few lamps making the HDTV look bulky and rendering it to look aesthetically displeasing. Come on, my friend don't even know what her Cyber-Shot model is... What the fuck?

Most people, I think, don't even know what a rootkit is, so why should they care about it?"
- Thomas Hesse, Sony BMG's president of global digital business, responding to the outcry over Sony's DRM Rootkit spyware uncovered on its music CDs

That's all.

Sony make.believe

For the Love of Music WALKMAN

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