Friday, April 9, 2010

Burn In Hell

Sometimes you get the feeling of burning people in hell. The type of feeling where impaling people makes ya feel good. The type of feeling where eviscerating your foes or even your friends makes you feel good. Making them feel the pain makes me feel good. It's merely like you serve others so fucking a lot but you get no shit in return. Not really the reward that matters, it's more of a appreciation that I want. You help others and others take it for granted. FUCK them. Whenever you want help, they kick your sorry ass away. You're friendly to 'em they fuck you up. You ask them something, they make you fuck off. You wanna go out with them, they say no.... Why? I don't really know. Neither would I fucking wanna know. You motherfuckers always expect people to serve you. I don't wanna go out. You force me instead to go out. What the fuck? Do I owe you any fucking shit? No I don't. Must I do everything for you and get nothing in return? It's like every fucking friendship and relationship is fucking one-sided or maybe 3:7 whereby 3 is mine share and 7 is yours. FUCK YOU. A normal simple gesture, and you go around fucking things up. How the fuck do you think?

In fact, I don't really think you deserve that fucking role. ASM? Bullshit. If you're a good ASM, probably I would be a fucking SUCCESSFUL person. Unlike you wasting your fucking life away. Probably wasting my life is something I hate. People don't understand why i get pissed when I said I don't wanna waste my life away. They just fucking don't get it. They need a wake-up call.....


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