Thursday, April 29, 2010


It feels everything's been a dream. A dream that blew my mind away. The dream I fantasized of every single day. That dream that motivates me. That every substance it carries gives me the power to continue. But alas, design is a paradox. A paradox that makes everything seems like a blur. One second it helps to ensure you motivation is existent. Next moment, you find yourself struggling along with it. That very motivation is now gone. Gone just like the wind. Just like how the leaves fall to the ground. Gone were the days where I felt Design is the main constituent to my life, soul and body. That dream is something which I long so much for not to forget. At least, I know that dream was once in my life. It gives you the trouble of thinking why it acts this way. The trouble why it reacts that way. The very root of the problem of why it all happens that way. Never shall I think about it anymore. It's more like a dark abyss now where I'm groping my way through. But I do hope that one day. One day, I may find that Design fulfillment and reignite the dormant flame that lies within my heart. The passion must have the right key to unlock it's hidden sign. A talent or whatever you call it. I wish something would spark me. A possibility that I can ever think of. Sorry to whoever is reading this. This ain't a positive post. I know that. But at least pray for me to get back the passion? xD At long last, that's all. I sure hope Design would become a passion again. An inspiration which I can easily relate to. Just like something in built into me.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Sony Design

Okay, well just now I had a close shave with telling someone the wrong thing. Okay, under peer pressure, I didn't crank under it and came out of it undaunted. Hey! Where's the fucking medal? xD

Okay, not the fucking point anymore. Sony Design... Somehow those featured designs are purely inspiring. I could stay there and read on Sony the whole night. Their way of getting pure inspiration is simply like no other. This is how it relates back to my work.
Design & Technology

WE BELIEVE in the over-active imagination.
WE BELIEVE that great innovation can begin from an impossible idea.
WE BELIEVE technology can transform the human experience.
WE BELIEVE designs are fueled by pure inspiration.

Don't ever let someone tell you. You can't do something.

Do what has never been done before. Always stay one step ahead.
SONY Design
SONY make.believe

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Love? Well I did a post on this before and I still can't believe myself thinking 'bout that while I'm asking another person to get his mind straight. Okay, well, maybe it's hard to say and do at the same time. Probably sometimes we need to face up to our own feelings. THE HARD WAY. Facing up to it is one thing. Knowing the feeling of rejection is the other. It's a paradox indeed. Like being wedged in between like a sandwich. Yum Yum! Besides, I suppose that sometimes we have to just stop thinking about it by dwelling ourselves in work. But would that even work? This is merely saying it. Quintessentially, it would be weird to confess feelings straightaway. Well my dream honeymoon would be going to Japan, Paris, Venice then to Rome. Yeah in that order. I would love to spend the sunset with the companion I love. That would be picture-perfect. Well, definitely it would be an awesome experience is definite. :DD

Tonight We Dine In Hell

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Ya know that type of feeling where a girl talks to you and all hatred are gone for her or the people whom you hate? It's a weird feeling. Probably best to describe it would be it's bittersweet. Melodramatic? I would say so. But it should be a great thing right? The fact that I'm gonna be calmed at least by someone whom I like? o.O

Saturday, April 17, 2010


Okay this is a fuckin' topic I have been touching on since the dawn of mankind on Earth. Heh, my friend has been telling me to give chance to a girl. The same fuckin' slut of a whore that I mentioned before. She doesn't deserve sympathy. Neither does she deserve any sort of compensation for my hate. Heh, give chance eh? Bullshit. Why don't... you go fuck yourself?

As far as I'm fuckin' concerned around here, I don't care what ya think. Why? 'Cos it's definitely gonna be BULLSHIT.

''Morality only serves up to a certain point. If morality doesn't let you achieve what you aim, give up morality.''

Monday, April 12, 2010

Dream Home Theatre

Yeah okay, people were pissing me off in the bloody bus just now. The freakin' Noise Canceling function didn't really managed to cancel out their bloody kiddy voices. Hey, that's not the bloody point now.

The point is about my dream home theatre. Okay, fine maybe it ain't really my dream home theatre it's more like a home theatre which upgrades my current set to fully realise the potential of Blu-Ray discs. Erm let's see... I wanna have the Sony HT-SF360 which complements my PS3. Haha, a HDMI Out from the PS3 to the HT-SF360 would render full 5.1channel surround sound to the 5 speakers. That would be 5 discrete channels. Currently I'm using the RCA stereo cables which are then matrixed to 5.1channels. That sure as hell ain't discrete. Therefore, I wanna have the HT-SF360. That would bring gaming to the NEXT LEVEL and serve its purpose well. Yeah it doesn't have DTS HD Master Audio and Dolby TrueHD, but according to Sony personnel, it doesn't matter, what matters, is the source of the playback of the file. And since it's the PS3 in this case and it supports DTS HD Master Audio and Dolby TrueHD, I HOPE that the sound quality wouldn't be affected when it converts into LPCM. Sadly the HT-SF360 doesn't support 7.1 channels of surround sound. Only 5.1 channels. Hey better than nothing right? My room ain't that big anyways :D

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Consumers these days seriously don't know what the fuck's hitting them. They go to the electronics shop and they carry the know-it-all attitude. I pity those salesman that have to serve the idiotic consumers. Yeah, technically, the consumers crowd should be ignorant and completely oblivious to the on-going progress of technology. But in today's society, the talk's all about 3D. Why? Many people visit the movies, and thus that's how they got wind of 3D technology that's gonna be brought straight into their pathetically designed electronic house.

A typical consumer would ask, ''What's the difference between LED and LCD?'' or ''Is a LED TV more superior than a LCD TV?'' or ''Does HDMI carry Full HD signals?'' Such questions are pretty straightforward. Okay maybe, they wouldn't really know the difference between LED and LCD since LED is less-known in the consumers world. But surely HDMI they would know some basic information on it?

On the other hand, sometimes the salesman, themselves have no fucking idea when ya saying the correct stuff. Let's say an idiotic consumer tries to get information about the LED and LCD.

''May I know what's the difference between a LED and LCD?''

A ignorant salesman might say,''Oh, LCD is just another way to be the backlight module for the HDTV.''


LED: Light Emitting Diode
LCD: Liquid Crystal Display

LED is just a form of a backlight module. Not the display itself. The LCD is used to cover the backlight module, in this case, the LED. New HDTVs use a LED backlight module. Quintessentially, HDTVs use CCFL backlight module.
CCFL: Cold-Cathode Fluorescent Lamp. There's another which is the HCFL.
HCFL: Hot-Cathode Fluorescent Lamp. LEDs are more cost-effective and are able to be arranged in RGB (Red, Green, Blue) to form the picture. Even newer HDTVs have Edge LED, meaning the LEDs are placed along the side of the TV therefore, saving space making the TV thinner. However, HCFL and CCFL consist of a few lamps making the HDTV look bulky and rendering it to look aesthetically displeasing. Come on, my friend don't even know what her Cyber-Shot model is... What the fuck?

Most people, I think, don't even know what a rootkit is, so why should they care about it?"
- Thomas Hesse, Sony BMG's president of global digital business, responding to the outcry over Sony's DRM Rootkit spyware uncovered on its music CDs

That's all.

Sony make.believe

For the Love of Music WALKMAN

Friday, April 9, 2010

Burn In Hell

Sometimes you get the feeling of burning people in hell. The type of feeling where impaling people makes ya feel good. The type of feeling where eviscerating your foes or even your friends makes you feel good. Making them feel the pain makes me feel good. It's merely like you serve others so fucking a lot but you get no shit in return. Not really the reward that matters, it's more of a appreciation that I want. You help others and others take it for granted. FUCK them. Whenever you want help, they kick your sorry ass away. You're friendly to 'em they fuck you up. You ask them something, they make you fuck off. You wanna go out with them, they say no.... Why? I don't really know. Neither would I fucking wanna know. You motherfuckers always expect people to serve you. I don't wanna go out. You force me instead to go out. What the fuck? Do I owe you any fucking shit? No I don't. Must I do everything for you and get nothing in return? It's like every fucking friendship and relationship is fucking one-sided or maybe 3:7 whereby 3 is mine share and 7 is yours. FUCK YOU. A normal simple gesture, and you go around fucking things up. How the fuck do you think?

In fact, I don't really think you deserve that fucking role. ASM? Bullshit. If you're a good ASM, probably I would be a fucking SUCCESSFUL person. Unlike you wasting your fucking life away. Probably wasting my life is something I hate. People don't understand why i get pissed when I said I don't wanna waste my life away. They just fucking don't get it. They need a wake-up call.....


Thursday, April 8, 2010

Quotes of Devil May Cry Series

''So melodramatic.'' - Dante
''Look it's got wings.'' - Dante
''The design shows terrible taste.'' - Trish
''Devils would cry too when they lose their loved ones, don't you think?'' - Lady
"Devils Never Cry'' - Dante
''Never take those legends too literally. But I knew Sparda had a heart. A heart to love, a human. And this is what you lack!'' - Nero