Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Violence, Gore & Sadism

Violence is something which many avoid. For some reason, it's considered gory, brutal, heartless and to top of all, it's savage. Do I care? People say I'm a sadist. People tell me that they infer from the fact that I watch violent movies or play violent games, I'm a sadist. Does that really concern me? Hell no. I'm just being truthful to myself. Think about it this way. Being truthful and natural to yourself is the best thing to do. Why? That's because, you feel normal and everything just seems to fall into place. You don't act unnaturally and do stupid things out of nowhere. Yes I know that I'm violent and all. Blood just makes me feel happy. The juiciness of it just strikes a raw nerve in me. The pain filling the bodies of the people who commit mortal sins. The ones who hurt me deeply, the ones who torture others, the ones who bully the weak. These are the ones that need a permanent lesson to be taught to them. Only a permanent lesson taught would be sufficient for them. Otherwise a mild talk to them is useless. Some told me to see a shrink. Screw the shrink. People might think I'm depressed, some think that it's 'cos of the devil and all. Some think that seeing the shrink would help. I went for a counselling session before. The counselor said,''You're the very few who come in here and tell me everything so easily." I suppose I do. Well, no point hiding. The very fact remains that these pains would stay. It stained the pure heart I had years ago. Since Primary 6/Secondary 1, it has been stained pretty badly.

Do I care? As i aforementioned, I don't give a bloody damn to it. Why? It just seems that since young even during my pure heart state, I've seeing people dying as a normal thing. It's just something so normal that I don't give a shit about it. Yeah, yeah, say I'm damn heartless. I don't care. Seriously, I don't give a damn about it.

Even the profanities, I don't give a damn. Why? It totally depends on how you look at it. If you think that the F-word ain't a vulgar word then it isn't. It matters on how we were taught since young, whether the current vulgar words are really, really vulgar. It's fact, it just all boil down back to the state when we were taught.

"The blood shall flow, trickling down the body. Flowing down the body making a mark. A deep gash that's gonna leave a permanent mark. The body flayed and mutilated. It's a an unsightly thing. But that's the way it is. Sometimes justice that has to be done in the immoral way. Only then proper justice is served." Say all you want, you say think that justice isn't meant to be served that way. I think otherwise. Morality only serves up to a certain juncture. But if it doesn't grant you the necessary peace and tranquility, then do something about it be it being immoral or not. After all the intention is good. The bad has to be punished. The ones who commit major crimes. The ones who kill/harm the innocent. Let the blood FLOW.

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