Friday, December 18, 2009

~Sony Style~

Sony Style isn't it? Well my mind has been revolving around this word or maybe shall I say a ''fictional'' word. Ever since 2007 when I first had W850i I literally ''fell in love'' with the music quality. Well that's already 2 years ago. In a blink of an eye, it's already the end of 2009. Well, in 2008 I had my very first (believe it or not) MP4 player. Yeah, you guessed it. It's a Sony Walkman Player. From there on, the infatuation started to grow stronger and I gave way to it. Sony being a major electronics company has a vast variety of electronics. Now that's where I knew about BRAVIA (Best Resolution Audio Visual Integrated Architecture), VAIO , Cyber-Shot, Handycam, DSLR (Digital Single-Lens Relfex) Camera. It's those life-changing or maybe ideal solutions of Sony that could make their products distinct itself from its own ''peers''. :)

But recently after my dad purchased the Playstation 3, I started to realise that I needed more electronics devices to full utilize the PS3's potential of Dolby TrueHD and DTS-HD Master Audio. In Singapore, there aren't any Sony receivers for a long time. Only the western countries have them. That's a sad thing but well as long as I can use other products I'm alright with that. :D

Sony or Samsung?

HDNA > High-Definition It's in our DNA

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