Saturday, December 19, 2009


Hmm profanities... Who really defines what profanities are? Weird that people tell you, " Hey there! No profanities allowed." It's kinda weird like how people stop you from saying profanities in which case it's just our own candidness, straightforwardness and efficiency. A profanity is just defined as something non-soothing to the ears and something that we utter in anger. If we were all taught since young that the current alleged profanities aren't profanities then we would all be using them. We could be taught that maybe a normal word like 'love' is a profanity. Now what exactly is a profanity? If you ask me, I would just answer that a profanity is just a person's way of showing anger or someone's straightforwardness. Profanity is defined by the person not the majority. It's unfair if someone says that some words are profanities. Well, every human should be entitled to some sort of freedom. Everybody including criminals should be entitled to those basic human rights. Some might say it's called "freedom of speech". I think so it is. But today's society doesn't permit us to do just that. It totally contradicts what others say about "freedom of speech".

Profanities are thus just something one defines not how other define. If others define it for us then what's the whole point? It defeats the whole purpose of freedom. Thus, this must be something that should be changed. What exactly is a profanity then? :X

"Even a Devil May Cry when it loses its loved one, don't you think?" - Lady

"Devils Never Cry" - Dante

"I do know that Sparda had a heart. A heart to love another human and that is what you lack!" - Nero

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