Saturday, December 26, 2009

The Vast Universe and Beyond

Sometimes, why do we have to fulfill other wishes and instead ours in the process?
It gives lots of unnecessary pressure and that pressure is gonna kill someone one day. Why do we have to abide by the rules? Yeah, maybe you would think I'm rebellious. But well rules are sometimes just too strict and restricts your thinking and sometimes to a small extent might actually control one's life when you least know it. Viola, everything will be controlling your life and you would just be there wondering what the hell just happened to your pathetic life and cursing everybody you know on your current journey to probably what? Hell? Hey sometimes we just need that bit of love and that confidence that would just allow us to survive in the cruel reality of life. Life doesn't give a damn about who the hell you are neither does it give a damn what the hell you are here for on Earth? Sometimes looking up on the blank dark sky, I would wonder whether there is really a God up there or maybe we are in a matrix (which I think we are) where we are just here for some higher-being to play with our destiny on Earth. In some countries, like mine there are hardly any stars and that ain't good, because to me stars gives me hope. Yeah I know this might sound childish. Say or think whatever you want. I ain't childish as far as I'm concerned.

What exactly are those heavenly bodies in our vast universe for? For kicks? Just for us mankind to stretch our imagination? Just for us to ponder everyday? Or is our universe or shall I say THE universe (there could be multiple out there)is just merely a test of our determination and perseverance? Do our Solar System actually mean something at the end of the day? Where all the planets will line up and show a sign to us, Mankind, about something that we didn't realize till that day? What exactly are these planets doing there for? Who or is it the vast universe that created them?

Every religion all believe that God would come to save mankind from world destruction. It's not that I don't believe in religions. It's just... Never mind. I don't think I should doubt it since I'm a Catholic myself but a fallen Catholic at that. But 1 thing that I'm sure I believe is that 1 day we would know what all this really means and that we would remember it's true meaning forever. I've always wondered what's outside this Mother Earth. 1 day, 1 day maybe it would just dawn upon us like the light showing us the Path of Illumination. From that day on, I'm sure we would then realize that spending time on Earth was not wasted and instead it fits like a part of a puzzle that we didn't realize at first.

That's when the light is shown upon us like how the angel sings and praises God. :D

The weird thing is why do teenagers nowadays have the urge to start relationships at the slightest measure? Is it really that important? Love? What is love? Even the adults don't even know what exactly is love all about. Since young, children were always told. Love is the test of affection between 2 people and that "love" won't be able to break them apart no matter what. But still, divorce cases are on the rise. This is as such that made the younger generations have a sort of "phobia" to marriages as they think that relationships is just giving in to each other. Yeah, you might think I know lots of such stuff. Matter of fact, I don't.

And still till today I suppose...


Sunday, December 20, 2009

Rock Climbing

Haha yay :D Finally did a rock climbing session today yippy!Haha I know I sound childish but who cares? Finally sorta straightened out my thinking and just wanna complete whatever work I have left and maybe, just maybe enjoy this Christmas? HAHA It just doesn't sound that possible. Sometimes I just wonder what are friends for? Are they really there for you in times of despair? Or are they there just to stab you in the back? What exactly allow us to form relations with others? How are we gonna understand others if one doesn't understand oneself at all? Hmm, that just been in my mind for a long, long time. Haha maybe one day it's good to just let it all out.

"Devils Never Cry" - Dante

Saturday, December 19, 2009


Hmm profanities... Who really defines what profanities are? Weird that people tell you, " Hey there! No profanities allowed." It's kinda weird like how people stop you from saying profanities in which case it's just our own candidness, straightforwardness and efficiency. A profanity is just defined as something non-soothing to the ears and something that we utter in anger. If we were all taught since young that the current alleged profanities aren't profanities then we would all be using them. We could be taught that maybe a normal word like 'love' is a profanity. Now what exactly is a profanity? If you ask me, I would just answer that a profanity is just a person's way of showing anger or someone's straightforwardness. Profanity is defined by the person not the majority. It's unfair if someone says that some words are profanities. Well, every human should be entitled to some sort of freedom. Everybody including criminals should be entitled to those basic human rights. Some might say it's called "freedom of speech". I think so it is. But today's society doesn't permit us to do just that. It totally contradicts what others say about "freedom of speech".

Profanities are thus just something one defines not how other define. If others define it for us then what's the whole point? It defeats the whole purpose of freedom. Thus, this must be something that should be changed. What exactly is a profanity then? :X

"Even a Devil May Cry when it loses its loved one, don't you think?" - Lady

"Devils Never Cry" - Dante

"I do know that Sparda had a heart. A heart to love another human and that is what you lack!" - Nero

Friday, December 18, 2009

~Sony Style~

Sony Style isn't it? Well my mind has been revolving around this word or maybe shall I say a ''fictional'' word. Ever since 2007 when I first had W850i I literally ''fell in love'' with the music quality. Well that's already 2 years ago. In a blink of an eye, it's already the end of 2009. Well, in 2008 I had my very first (believe it or not) MP4 player. Yeah, you guessed it. It's a Sony Walkman Player. From there on, the infatuation started to grow stronger and I gave way to it. Sony being a major electronics company has a vast variety of electronics. Now that's where I knew about BRAVIA (Best Resolution Audio Visual Integrated Architecture), VAIO , Cyber-Shot, Handycam, DSLR (Digital Single-Lens Relfex) Camera. It's those life-changing or maybe ideal solutions of Sony that could make their products distinct itself from its own ''peers''. :)

But recently after my dad purchased the Playstation 3, I started to realise that I needed more electronics devices to full utilize the PS3's potential of Dolby TrueHD and DTS-HD Master Audio. In Singapore, there aren't any Sony receivers for a long time. Only the western countries have them. That's a sad thing but well as long as I can use other products I'm alright with that. :D

Sony or Samsung?

HDNA > High-Definition It's in our DNA

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Life & Music

Life What's exactly life all about? A journey to judge us whether we go to hell or heaven? Whether we would meet God or the Devil? Well, apparently it's just like a taste of how hell or heaven is gonna be. Rewards and achievements are a small taste of heaven. Setbacks and betrayals are a small taste of hell. So what is the purpose of life? Haha I know this post sounds really emo and unhappy. But well it just happens that its ''how you look at the world and not how the world looks at you''. Quoted that from a book i just read. On a lighter note, it seems everything won't fall into place just like how you would want to.

Music feels the inner heart of a person while at the same time connecting the dots of 2 people. Music calms the inner soul and feels the person grieving with hope. It is just like that which make music such a connecting tool. A tool which connects the the inner heart to the complex outside world.

"For the love of Music'' - Sony

P.S Thanks for helping. You know who you are. :)