Friday, March 11, 2011

Immaturity A Paradox?

Immaturity itself is a screwed up thing to discuss in the first place. However, what exactly defines that then? It's tough to define its true meaning. Or maybe its true meaning is esoteric to many.

So there's this guy who was waiting to purchase his laptop. So in the position of trying to be helpful, I recommended a VAIO to him. Well, not that it suits him since Sony products are usually designed and constructed for the most sophisticated. The one who blesses themselves with the esoteric truth about electronics. So what's that about? Okay, he went on to tell his parents. What can I say? Mummy's boy. Anyways, one day, he messaged me saying that I would be real jealous of him soon as he's gonna get the VAIO I wanted.

[Pause] VAIO I wanted and he's gonna just get it. Just like that? Okay well, but I would be say this guy is one hell of an asshole by saying that to me.

That was weeks ago until yesterday when he bought it a the IT Show. Well, seriously man, it doesn't suit him. You gotta need a kind of maturity and level of substance to use a VAIO man. And did I mention that since Sony designs all their products to seamlessly work together, he isn't pushing it to the fullest potential. Come on, what can you do with a VAIO and a cheap Samsung HDTV or a screwed up PSP?

So to keep this damn thing short, he doesn't bloody deserve it. Hell no, at least not on my count.

"Abacinate, eyes that bleed. Praying for the end of your wide awake nightmare." - Angel of Death

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