Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Details are always seemingly hidden away from our view. Take it as a source, a recording or subtle details in a painting. These details are hid away inconspicuously. At first, it looks like an innocuous piece of art and yet upon closer scrutinizing, we begin to see how the mysterious elements unfold.

Sometimes, we have to be a clairvoyant. We know not how to solve our very own inner mysteries at times because we ourselves do not know who we are up against. Paintings are also similar. The details are hidden well within the painting. I'm not a conspiracy theorist but then again, it is such an analogy that I am bringing forth to all of us. Do we not notice details well enough and tend to generalize? Do not get me wrong here. Generalizing is not a bad thing. But sometimes it is inevitable to seek out details even the most minute of details.

From Santi's earthly tomb to Demon's Hole,
'Cross Rome the mystic elements unfold.
The path of light is laid, the sacred test,
Let angels guide you on your lofty quest.

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