Monday, March 22, 2010


Hmm, why do I always forget what I wanna blog about? :D Never mind then. Well, it's been my dream since last year to work in Sony. In 2007 to 2008, I was already infatuated with Sony. I thought that maybe I'm just infatuated with their products. Little did I know that their culture also affected me tremendously. During those few years, Sony was doing very badly. They had to struggle with their Playstation 3 and the audio market getting dominated by the iPod, thus disallowing their Walkman to shine in the limelight it totally deserves. Therefore, I know since 2009 that I belong to the Sony family. The family of electronics products. Where the once impossible was made impossible (I shan't state everything. The list is too long), they managed to pull through the adversity. With greater strength and learning from their mistakes, they are finally making the correct decisions guiding the electronics giant in a more prospective company as a well renowned electronics company again. A company which made groundbreaking breakthroughs in the field of semiconductors. This improvements made 'em improve by leaps and bounds. GO SONY!!! :D

I'm so gonna go work in Sony someday after my university graduation. I don't intend to be a designer as the Japs are more creative. But anyways, I wouldn't mind helping Sony progress with my knowledge.


Sony make.believe

p.s this wasn't my intended post. The post I had in mind hours ago was much better.

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