Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Stressed Up

Every now and then, things are popping out of nowhere. It's just like sometimes there is no free space for me to breathe. I just need a free space. That's all. I just wanna be true to myself. Can't this problems stop popping out? It's like CCAs and all are pissing me off. Childishness in NCC, stressfulness in EC, unable to attend Legion of Mary. Although I've just became a new Peer Leader (PL) ;D. I just hope things would go smoother. I'm damn worried about POA too and hope to be able to concentrate on my academics. It's going to go down the drain if I'm gonna continue this way.
Samsung is pissing me off. They lied to their consumers and think that they are the best. Are they really the best? Most probably more like a bunch of liars. At the same time, they said, "Japan wouldn't catch up with Samsung." The Ex-CEO also said that he is not intimidated by Sony or Panasonic. But do they create a Full HD 3D TV like Sony? Do they have a great impact on the decisions for the High-Definition Format War? Screw Samsung as they lie unlike Sony.

I really hope to go to Genting with my close friends. Especially with the 2 Melvins'. But I wonder who else I should ask to join us... Hmm a girl? Haha. Thanks but no thanks. :D I'm sexist. Anyways, girls are weak and Samsung lies. Boys are strong and Sony says the truth.

Sony Style

SONY make.believe
.like no other Sony

"Believe that curiosity is the key to creativity. Believe that anything you can imagine, you can make real."

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