Saturday, January 30, 2010

Sony make.believe

''Believe that curiosity is the key to creativity. Believe that anything you can imagine you can make real." - Sony

I sincerely hope that somehow I can apply that to my Os. It's as if my brain is revolving around all those Sony products out there. Although it's just Os, I sure hope to aim far and to be able to work at Sony next time. That would probably allow me to do what I love to do. Haha, Sony Style. More of a word to really describe it well. *Sighs*

My wish is to really be able to work in Sony. Now I know what I wanna be. That's where I'll be.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Stressed Up

Every now and then, things are popping out of nowhere. It's just like sometimes there is no free space for me to breathe. I just need a free space. That's all. I just wanna be true to myself. Can't this problems stop popping out? It's like CCAs and all are pissing me off. Childishness in NCC, stressfulness in EC, unable to attend Legion of Mary. Although I've just became a new Peer Leader (PL) ;D. I just hope things would go smoother. I'm damn worried about POA too and hope to be able to concentrate on my academics. It's going to go down the drain if I'm gonna continue this way.
Samsung is pissing me off. They lied to their consumers and think that they are the best. Are they really the best? Most probably more like a bunch of liars. At the same time, they said, "Japan wouldn't catch up with Samsung." The Ex-CEO also said that he is not intimidated by Sony or Panasonic. But do they create a Full HD 3D TV like Sony? Do they have a great impact on the decisions for the High-Definition Format War? Screw Samsung as they lie unlike Sony.

I really hope to go to Genting with my close friends. Especially with the 2 Melvins'. But I wonder who else I should ask to join us... Hmm a girl? Haha. Thanks but no thanks. :D I'm sexist. Anyways, girls are weak and Samsung lies. Boys are strong and Sony says the truth.

Sony Style

SONY make.believe
.like no other Sony

"Believe that curiosity is the key to creativity. Believe that anything you can imagine, you can make real."

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Redefine Rewrite Relive

Those 3 words, bring lots of importance to me. Somehow they just give me a sense of pride if I'm gonna do that in history. Especially if I can do that in Sony. REDEFINE REWRITE RELIVE history.
Gonna keep this short. Probably continue tomorrow with more information.

Sometimes we have to let go of our past. Each one of us have a sad past. But if we keep holding onto it, one will realize it's gonna go both ways and in the end it's us that suffer.


Sony make.believe

Sunday, January 3, 2010

A Fresh New Beginning

WOOT! It's a fresh new beginning. I shall not be so negative. Gonna keep this post short. And go straight to the point. Wishing those out there who are pressured to relax and chill out whenever necessary. Humans aren't perfect. HAHA XD have a great start of the academic year.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Looking Back & Marching Foward

Yeah yeah.. It's the new year. But come on man. People it's just another normal day. The worst part is that you the clocks ticks closer to the day which school is reopening which is a good thing. Well, 2009... What can I say about it? It's just another ordinary year I suppose. And maybe probably because I met new people and became closer with school friends. At the same time drifting apart from friends who were once close. At the end, all things must come to a close. Define a new year? It's gonna be a hellish year again right? People say it's better to be naive and be happy. What's the point? Be realistic and face up to problems and solve them. That's the whole purpose of them all. Yeah, drifting apart from close friends maybe a bad thing. The good thing is that it's a luxury knowing when to let go and get onto a new chapter of life. I see that more of a luxury not a curse. Gives one new bearing and new beginnings. Yeah I just hope it's gonna be a new year? And that everything just, just might change for the better. And for those out there who think I should smile more, maybe, just maybe I would do that once in a while.

"The healthy human mind doesn't wake up in the morning thinking this is its last day on Earth. But I think that's a luxury. Not a curse. To know you're close to the end is a kind of freedom. Good time to take...inventory. Outgunned. Outnumbered. Out of our minds. On a suicide mission. But the sand and the rocks here, stained with thousands of years of warfare...They will remember us. For this. Because out of all our vast array of nightmares, this is the one we choose for ourselves. We go forward like a breath exhaled from the Earth. With vigor in our hearts and one goal in sight: We. Will. Kill him."
— Captain Price's speech in the cutscene of Just Like Old Times

"This is for the record: History is written by the victor. History is filled with liars. If he lives, and we die, his truth becomes written - and ours is lost. Shepherd will be a hero. Because all you need to change the world is one good lie and a river of blood. He's about to complete the greatest trick a liar ever played on history. His truth will be the truth. But only if he lives, and we die."
— Captain Price's speech in the intro to Endgame